
All you need to Know about Remortgaging

To start with, remortgaging refers to the process of using your existing mortgage to acquire a new mortgage. This is achieved by either using the mortgaged property as security or using its proceeds to pay off the new loan. While most mortgage lenders accept this arrangement, the term is not understood by many people. If your mortgage advisor has never discussed this with you, this article will help you by sharing important information about remortgaging.

  1. Terms

The terms that govern a remortgage may be a little bit different to those in your current mortgage lender. As such, you should critically analyze the terms in the remortgaging contract. This will help you know if it will serve your intended purpose and whether you should take it. Additionally, you have to compare the terms offered by different mortgage services providers to enable you to get the best mortgage deals.

  1. The Implications Involved

A mortgage advisor will help you identify the best mortgage lenders to suit your needs. If this happens, you’ll have less to worry about paying your mortgage loan. The mortgage broker will take you through remortgaging implications, especially with regard to the financial implications. However, the implications could be disastrous if you end up with the wrong mortgage services provider.

  1. Loan Approval

Like the ordinary mortgage deal, mortgage lenders will have to consider factors to determine if you qualify for the loan. This calls for adequate measures to be placed to improve your chances of having your loan approved. While some mortgage brokers will have strict requirements, others will have more relaxed ones. The important thing is to find a provider with terms that suit your specific needs.

  1. Things to Avoid

A remortgaging contract doesn’t always end well. Events may happen after you’ve secured the loan, making you unable to repay the loan in time. Such cases may make your mortgage lender reconsider the terms of the contract, which could disadvantage you.

For this reason, it’s advisable to avoid things that will compromise your ability to repay your loan. A mortgage advisor can help you identify such things and how to avoid them.

  1. Cost Implications

A remortgaging deal will come with different costs. This includes the new figure to pay as installments each month and the cost of withdrawing your previous mortgage. At the end of the day, you have to ensure you enter into a contract that you can afford.


Remortgaging is similar to the ordinary mortgage plan with the executive that a second mortgage is involved. This article has shared some vital information about this plan. For better outcomes, it is good to engage a mortgage advisor before committing to a remortgaging arrangement.