Refinancing a mortgage is a great method to lower your expenses for repayment of the loan and save more in the long-term that includes the whole life of repayment of the loan already acquired. You need to consider the following points to know if you are making the right decision to refinance your mortgage as a homeowner.
Reason Behind Refinancing
When the new loan replaces the old loan, usually some benefits are available with it. This is mostly the sole reason behind opting for refinancing the mortgage. If you have set long-term equity goals and want to save more, opt for refinancing a mortgage you already have.
Evaluate your Home
If your home holds the appropriate value while the evaluation is done while refinancing, you will easily get an option for refinancing the mortgage. Moreover, you will have your home’s value increased to a certain extent, if you refinance the mortgage.
Stay Tenure
Just like when you pay a certain closing cost while acquiring the first mortgage, you also need to pay a closing cost while having this mortgage refinanced. The amount of this closing cost highly depends on the tenure of your stay in that particular home.
Credit Score
You need to have a proper and specific credit score to avail of the refinancing of the existing mortgage. Luckily, the credit score required for having the refinancing is lower than that of the one needed while getting the original mortgage loan.
Recent Debt-to-Income Ratio
If you have an existing loan or credit card debt, the rate of interest of the refinancing may be affected. The lender analyses this ratio to determine the appropriate interest rate and the refinancing is devised accordingly.
Income and Employment Condition
At every step, including the process of acquiring the first mortgage as well as the refinancing of the mortgage, proper proof of your income is required. This ensures that you have enough capability to repay it within the given time and without any discrepancies.
Interest Rate of the Refinanced Mortgage
The chances of lowered interest rates on the refinanced mortgage are high depending on the market rate. It also happens that if you have a steady source of income, you qualify to have a low-interest rate on the refinanced mortgage compared to the first mortgage.
Nord Est mortgage refinancing services analyze all the above-mentioned points to help you through the process of refinancing.